OneWiseMac & The COOKOO Watch in GQ Magazine

Posted by OneWiseMac Team on

If you pick up a copy of GQ magazine this month skip towards the back as OneWiseMac & the COOKOO Watch are featured in there. If you don't happen to read GQ then we've included the page below.

The COOKOO Smartphone Watch is one of our best selling products. The watch will receive notifications from your iPhone or iPadeven if your iPhone is on silent in your pocket or in the next room.

Some of the features include being able to recieve notifications of incoming calls / Facebook messages / reminders and it will even notify you if you forget your iPhone or iPad. Some of our favourite features allow you to check-in on Facebook / control music/ take a photo and find a misplaced iPhone.

This is one of the first smartphone watches available and the feature list is continuously growing.  


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